Flir Scout II Thermal Camera - White
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Flir Scout II Thermal Camera - White
View wildlife and locate people in total darkness with FLIRs Scout II Thermal Camera. Compact camera detects the body-heat signatures of animals in any terrain and conditions. Bright 640x480 LED screen delivers a broad view. Compact and tough, watertight submersable housing is IP67 waterproof rated. Internal Li-Ion battery (included) provides a five-hour run time. Intuitive menu adjusts polarity, zoom and LCD brightness. Adjust the detection palette between white hot, black hot and InstAlert. Integrated LED utility light for use when thermal is powered off. Includes USB power adapter/charger, wrist strap, Quick-start guide and MOLLE-compatible bag. 6.7L x 2.3W x 2.5H. Wt: 12 oz. Available: Scout II 240 240x180 VOx microbolometer detector. 350-yd. detection range. Freeze-frame zoom function. Scout II 320 336x256 VOx microbolometer detector. 550-yd. detection range. 2X zoom function. Color: White.