AC Delco ARZ6058 6 Volt Alkaline Multi Inspection Camera
Do you need review of AC Delco ARZ6058 6 Volt Alkaline Multi Inspection Camera. If you find rating AC Delco ARZ6058 6 Volt Alkaline Multi Inspection Camera. Here, you’ll be able to find the top deals available in recent market only from us. Together with it, you may also be able to discover a lot more info as well as comprehensive reviews over the infamous AC Delco ARZ6058 6 Volt Alkaline Multi Inspection Camera. I suggest you view this article..
AC Delco ARZ6058 6 Volt Alkaline Multi Inspection Camera
Features: Recording and playing back: Video recording with voice annotation, can reviewing images and video directly on device. 8 mm Camera Head: Easy to inspect tough-to-reach areas. 4GB SD Memory: Holds 42,800+ images or 100+ mins of video recording on the Included 4GB SD card. USB Output: For transferring video and images to a PC. 3; Color LCD & 2.5X Digital Zoom: 320 x 240 HD display resolution; 11 settings to adjust image size. Illumination Control: 4 built-in LEDs on camera probe with 5 settings of brightness to illuminate viewed object. 110; Viewing Angle & 180; Flip: 2 settings to reverse viewed object. Anti-slip soft grip. Waterproof Flexible Cable: Extra long camera cable 72; for reaching deep area and waterproof camera head resisting damages from water.