Impossible Project I-1 Analog Instant Camera
Do you need review of Impossible Project I-1 Analog Instant Camera. If you find rating Impossible Project I-1 Analog Instant Camera. Here, you’ll be able to find the top deals available in recent market only from us. Together with it, you may also be able to discover a lot more info as well as comprehensive reviews over the infamous Impossible Project I-1 Analog Instant Camera. I suggest you view this article..
Impossible Project I-1 Analog Instant Camera
The Impossible Project I-1 Analog Instant Camera is an easy-to-use point and shoot instant camera with a variety of unique and innovative features designed to take your photography further. Works with both Impossible I-Type and 600 type film. The I-1s uniquely designed ring flash provides a diffused light thats perfect for portraits. You can also connect your iPhone to the camera via Bluetooth to experiment with creative tools like light painting double exposure and more. This is the only instant camera that lets you take full photographic control of aperture and shutter speed using the I-1 Apps manual mode. Also features 5-zone autofocus sytem 500mAh li-ion battery fold-away viewfinder plus more.