Covert Scouting Cameras Code Black 12.0, Brown -FREE Shipping!
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Covert Scouting Cameras Code Black 12.0, Brown -FREE Shipping!
The Code Black 12.0 is back better than ever. With an all black led's and sleek body, the code black 12.0 has improved in every way. Boasting a .65 second trigger speed, 1-10 photo burst and a 100 foot flash range, the Code Black 12.0 will surely leave you impressed.Features:- 52Adeg field of view- .65 second trigger speed- 100 foot flash range- 12 AA batteries- Invisible flash technology- 1-10 turbo shot burst- Maximum silence image capture- Time/date/temp/moon phase stamp- 2'' color viewer- Pipe through security- Up to 32GB SD card- Reinforced tripod mount Specifications: - Color: Solid Brown- Weight: 2 lbs- Dimensions: 5.875'' x 4.5'' x 2.855''