SPECO TECHNOLOGIES O2iB6 IP Camera,1080p,Bullet,2 MP, Outdoor G1611517
Do you need review of SPECO TECHNOLOGIES O2iB6 IP Camera,1080p,Bullet,2 MP, Outdoor G1611517. If you find rating SPECO TECHNOLOGIES O2iB6 IP Camera,1080p,Bullet,2 MP, Outdoor G1611517. Here, you’ll be able to find the top deals available in recent market only from us. Together with it, you may also be able to discover a lot more info as well as comprehensive reviews over the infamous SPECO TECHNOLOGIES O2iB6 IP Camera,1080p,Bullet,2 MP, Outdoor G1611517. I suggest you view this article..
SPECO TECHNOLOGIES O2iB6 IP Camera,1080p,Bullet,2 MP, Outdoor G1611517
IP Camera,1080p,Bullet,2 MP, Outdoor FeaturesFocal Length: 2.90mmFor Use With: NVR, MonitorsHeight: 3-13/64'Includes: 2-Way Audio, Sunshield, Micro SD Card Slot, Heater, 2-Way Pivot MountingItem: IP CameraLength: 8-45/64'Width: 3'Lens: FixedMount: Wall, Ceiling, SurfacePower Consumption: 12VDCPower Supply: Not includedOperating Temp. Range: -4 Degrees to 122 Degrees FCamera Type: ColorIllumination: YesPixels: 1920 x 1080Scanning: ProgressivePower Required: 12VDCLine Resolution: 2 MPDay/Night Capable: DayIP Rating: IP66Min. Light Level: 0.001 LuxIndoor / Outdoor: OutdoorHD Resolution: 1080pCamera Design: BulletCamera Body Color: Dark Gray