MOULTRIE Panoramic 150 Scouting Camera - Camo
Do you need review of MOULTRIE Panoramic 150 Scouting Camera - Camo. If you find rating MOULTRIE Panoramic 150 Scouting Camera - Camo. Here, you’ll be able to find the top deals available in recent market only from us. Together with it, you may also be able to discover a lot more info as well as comprehensive reviews over the infamous MOULTRIE Panoramic 150 Scouting Camera - Camo. I suggest you view this article..
MOULTRIE Panoramic 150 Scouting Camera - Camo
Its super-wide 150 detection angle with three motion sensors teams up with 8MP infrared Smart Picture technology to deliver 3 times coverage than a typical game camera. The Silent Slide lens and Low Glow flash rotates to take photos or videos wherever game is detected. At night, the Illumi-Night sensor detects game up to 60 feet out and the invisible infrared flash captures images or footage without the spook-factor of a traditional flash. Time-lapse photography, Multi-Shot, FastFire Continuous Shooting, single shot 16:9 widescreen images or panoramic shot 48:9 images. Ideal as a plot camera by day and an infrared camera at night. Takes up to 10,000 images per set of batteries. Password protected. SDmemory-card slot accepts up to 32GB card (not included) . Runs on six C batteries (not included) . Camo casing. Dimensions: 7H x 5.2W x 4.6D. Weight: 1.56 lbs. Color: Camo.