Cameta Care Platinum 5 Year ADH Video Camera Warranty (Under $25 000)
Do you need review of Cameta Care Platinum 5 Year ADH Video Camera Warranty (Under $25 000). If you find rating Cameta Care Platinum 5 Year ADH Video Camera Warranty (Under $25 000). Here, you’ll be able to find the top deals available in recent market only from us. Together with it, you may also be able to discover a lot more info as well as comprehensive reviews over the infamous Cameta Care Platinum 5 Year ADH Video Camera Warranty (Under $25 000). I suggest you view this article..
Cameta Care Platinum 5 Year ADH Video Camera Warranty (Under $25 000)
This Cameta Care Platinum 5-Year Warranty promises that the covered equipment will be guaranteed to operate properly according to manufacturers specifications for a period of five (5) years or we will repair the equipment to operate properly at no charge to you (this includes all parts and labor) . Covers any video camera that is initially covered by a manufacturers warranty and falls within the indicated retail price range. Platinum Warranty covers: Accidental Damage; Liquid / Impact Damage; Sand / Grit Damage; Normal & Abnormal Wear; Mechanical Malfunctions; any Manufacturer Defect. Does not cover equipment which has been misused tampered with modified or intentionally damaged.