(2) CUDDEBACK E3 Black Flash No Glow Infrared Game Hunting Cameras + SD Cards
Do you need review of (2) CUDDEBACK E3 Black Flash No Glow Infrared Game Hunting Cameras + SD Cards. If you find rating (2) CUDDEBACK E3 Black Flash No Glow Infrared Game Hunting Cameras + SD Cards. Here, you’ll be able to find the top deals available in recent market only from us. Together with it, you may also be able to discover a lot more info as well as comprehensive reviews over the infamous (2) CUDDEBACK E3 Black Flash No Glow Infrared Game Hunting Cameras + SD Cards. I suggest you view this article..
(2) CUDDEBACK E3 Black Flash No Glow Infrared Game Hunting Cameras + SD Cards
Package Includes: (2) Cuddeback E3 Black Flash No Glow Cameras (2) Kingston 8GB SD Cards -The 2014 Cuddeback E3 Black Flash Trail Camera is the best Cuddeback no-glow IR camera ever. It features Cuddeback's world's fastest 1/4 second trigger speed which means you'll get more images with animals and fewer blanks. A new compact 'micro' housing is ergonomic and handy. The Cuddeback E3's Black Flash technology means no visible inferred flash for animals (or humans) to see and over 2 watts of IR illumination power for a flash range of over 50 ft. Correctly exposed IR images offer stunning clarity and minimal motion blur whether animals are close or distant. C;nAlso included is the 8GB Kingston SD Card, which increases the number of pictures your digital scouting camera can hold. The memory card easily slides into your camera, and can be transferred to computer, television, phone, and other SD compatible devices for your viewing pleasure. This product also features a write-protect program that prevents accidental overwrites/deletes of your precious memoriesC;nWe are an authorized Cuddeback dealer - (2) Cuddeback E3 Black Flash No Glow Game Cameras 20 MP - Cuddeback's 1/4 second trigger speed is up to 4 times faster than most other cameras - 20MP Images - Advanced low-light CMOS image sensor for enhanced color and clarity. Low light performance extends night illumination range and reduced IR motion blur. And 20MP mode means you can zoom in to see details - Zone Control - Select wide view or centered view as needed. Wide is best on fields. Centered for trails - 50 foot flash range - Super Fast Recovery Speed - takes the first image within second, then recovers about 1 second latter for the next shot - Motion sensor will not miss animals while eliminating false detections - No card mode - 120 MB of internal memory built in - Advanced Time Lapse Mode - Select 10 seconds to 24 hours. Set with or without motions sensing. Set time