Fujifilm X100T Digital Camera (Black)
Do you need review of Fujifilm X100T Digital Camera (Black). If you find rating Fujifilm X100T Digital Camera (Black). Here, you’ll be able to find the top deals available in recent market only from us. Together with it, you may also be able to discover a lot more info as well as comprehensive reviews over the infamous Fujifilm X100T Digital Camera (Black). I suggest you view this article..
Fujifilm X100T Digital Camera (Black)
The Fujifilm X100T Digital Camera is packed with new features such as the worlds first electronic rangefinder -- a high-quality fusion of optics and electronics -- and the Classic Chrome mode offering the simulation of a classic film style. High-level manual focus was realized for the first time for the optical viewfinder. The use of traditional dials allows users to see camera settings at a glance even when the camera is turned off. The new electronic shutter delivers ultra-high-speed exposures up to 1/32000sec. With the dedicated FUJIFILM Camera Remote app you can focus and trigger the camera release from your smartphone or tablet. Also features: 23mm f/2 lens; 3-inch LCD monitor; APS-C 16MP X-Trans CMOS II sensor; 6 fps continuous shooting; full HD video; plus much more.