SPYPOINT Xcel HD 2 Sport Action Camera - Clear
Do you need review of SPYPOINT Xcel HD 2 Sport Action Camera - Clear. If you find rating SPYPOINT Xcel HD 2 Sport Action Camera - Clear. Here, you’ll be able to find the top deals available in recent market only from us. Together with it, you may also be able to discover a lot more info as well as comprehensive reviews over the infamous SPYPOINT Xcel HD 2 Sport Action Camera - Clear. I suggest you view this article..
SPYPOINT Xcel HD 2 Sport Action Camera - Clear
Capture your hunt in stunning 1080p HD with sound using Spypoints Xcel HD 2 Sport Action Camera. Improved low-light image sensor is perfect for dawn and dusk. Control three modes of recording with the included two-way remote control. Take stunning 12MP photographs in camera mode. Speed up to the good part in time-lapse mode. Film the hunts climax in high-definition. Ultrawide-angle lens captures all the action. 1-4X zoom captures game near and far. Encased in a clear waterproof housing to take on the elements that come with a good hunt. Powered by a lithium-ion battery for all-day filming. Insert up to a 32 GB SD card for hours of video. Kit includes: lithium battery, carry case, HDMI and USB cables, lens protector, roll-bar mount, straight and 90 extenders, curved and flat mounts, quick-release stand with safety ring, slide adapter, wrist strap and lens cleaning cloth. Color: Clear. Type: Action Cameras.