Covert Outlook 12MP Trail Camera
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Covert Outlook 12MP Trail Camera
The Covert Outlook 12MP Trail Camera is a revolutionary wide-angle camera that boasts a wide panoramic 110 field of view for complete coverage of your area. 3-5-8-12MP images and HD video with audio give you the ability to customize the camera to suit your scouting and security needs. Its 56 No Glow black flash LEDs and 100 flash range wont spook game, enabling the camera to continue taking great footage. An incredibly fast 0.65-second trigger speed and 1-10 turbo shot make sure you get a clear shot, even of fast-moving targets. The Outlook features multiple PIR sensors, a large zoomable 3' color viewer, time-lapse capabilities, pipe through security, and a reinforced tripod mount. Time/date/temp/moon phase stamp available for proper image organization. Accepts up to a 32GB SD card (not included) .Weight: 2 lbs.