Covert Night Stalker 12MP Trail Camera
Do you need review of Covert Night Stalker 12MP Trail Camera. If you find rating Covert Night Stalker 12MP Trail Camera. Here, you’ll be able to find the top deals available in recent market only from us. Together with it, you may also be able to discover a lot more info as well as comprehensive reviews over the infamous Covert Night Stalker 12MP Trail Camera. I suggest you view this article..
Covert Night Stalker 12MP Trail Camera
The Covert Night Stalker 12MP Trail Camera is a great all-around camera that gives you everything you need for both hunting and security. Designed with 3-5-8-12MP resolutions and HD video with audio, this camera gives you a thorough outlook of the area around you based on your personal preferences. A 0.65-second trigger speed guarantees that nothing gets past your sight. Its 42 invisible IR LED lights, 100 flash range, and 52 field of view not only provides complete coverage, but also performs with maximum silence image capture to prevent spooking game. The 1-10 turbo shot burst mode takes a series of quick photos for fast-moving targets. Time/date/temp/moon phase stamp available for proper image organization. The game camera also features a 2' color viewer, pipe-through security, and a reinforced tripod mount. Up to 32GB SD card (not included) . Weight: 2 lbs.