(4) MOULTRIE FEEDERS Trail Game Camera 12 Volt Battery Solar Power Panels CPP
Do you need review of (4) MOULTRIE FEEDERS Trail Game Camera 12 Volt Battery Solar Power Panels CPP. If you find rating (4) MOULTRIE FEEDERS Trail Game Camera 12 Volt Battery Solar Power Panels CPP. Here, you’ll be able to find the top deals available in recent market only from us. Together with it, you may also be able to discover a lot more info as well as comprehensive reviews over the infamous (4) MOULTRIE FEEDERS Trail Game Camera 12 Volt Battery Solar Power Panels CPP. I suggest you view this article..
(4) MOULTRIE FEEDERS Trail Game Camera 12 Volt Battery Solar Power Panels CPP
1 Buy = 4 Moultrie CPP Solar Power PanelsThe Moultrie Power Panel ensures a continued power source from the sun, to your game cameras Imagine never having to worry about changing the batteries in your game camera again. No more hassle with loading/unloading batteries, and you'll never have to worry about missing a shot because of dead batteries again. Plus, the panel is weather resistant We are an authorized dealer. Authorized dealers sell new, warranted productsThe Solar Moultrie Power Panel uses innovative software to combine a solar panel and built-in 12-volt battery, extending camera life indefinitely in the field. Not only that, but it is also compatible with all Moultrie cameras from 2007 and later. You can easily mount this piece of equipment to a tree or pole, and the 10 foot cord will allow you to set your panel in a prime sunny spot to soak up all the energy your camera needs - (4) 12 Volt Solar Moultrie Power Panel Units! - Solar panel with built-in 12-volt battery - LCD screen displays - Compatible with Moultrie 2007 and later digital game cameras - Easily mount to tree, pole or Moultrie camera tripod - 10-ft. cord allows placement in optimal sunlight - Weather resistant - LCD screen displays: - Real-Time Solar Value: aids in mounting - Daily Solar Average: daily solar efficiency - Weekly Solar Average: weekly solar efficiency - Internal Charge Level: internal battery level Part Number: CPP - 2 Year Warranty: (1 Year Manufacturer Warranty + 1 Year VMInnovations Warranty!)