Garmin Virb -XE Action Camera
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Garmin Virb -XE Action Camera
Capture any adventure or hunt in crystal-clear HD with the small, light, smart Garmin VIRB-XE Action Camera. Take exceptional 1440p videos and 12MP still images in any weather conditions. Comes waterproof to depths of 50 meters no additional hardware or housings are necessary. One-touch control switch instantly turns the unit on and starts recording. Dedicated photo button captures still images at any time. Adjustable 24/48 cinema frame rates and image stabilization ensure high-quality video recording. Pro Mode includes white-balance, sharpness and color-profile controls plus ISO limit and exposure bias and lock. Burst mode captures 30-fps photos, or you can set the camera for time-lapse photos at specified intervals. Timer delay function allows you to set the camera and get in your picture. Bluetooth functionality captures audio from a wireless microphone. In addition to enhanced video and audio modes, the VIRB-XE boasts a plethora of built-in sensors and wireless functionality options that can be utilized through the G-Metrix feature for a wide array of data overlays and a richer viewing experience. With G-Metrix, the VIRB-XE utilizes internal sensors like the high-sensitivity GPS, accelerometer and gyroscope, and compatible devices and accessories like an HRM-Run, f nix 3 multisport watch or Vector power meter to track movements in real time and capture more performance data. Additionally VIRB-XE is compatible with Bluetooth-enabled OBD tools to capture true vehicle data like speed, RPM and throttle position. Weatherproof charging contacts. Connect the camera to your smartphone or tablet via Wi-Fi to control the camera and view, edit and share footage. Download the VIRB app for additional editing options, video/photo playback, camera control from your smartphone and to adjust camera configuration. When connected to the VIRB app, the VIRB tracking feature records the last known GPS location of the camera for easy recovery if lost.